The genre of the Kabuliwala movie is Drama, Family. The movie was directed by Monal Agrawal.
The movie was produce by with the collaboration of the studio No production companies available.
Kabuliwala was released on 2023-12-14 and the total runtime of the movie is going to be 14 minutes and the status of the release is Released.
Title | Description |
Movie Name | Kabuliwala |
Offical Language | English Hindi |
Release Date | 2023-12-14 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | not known |
OTT Release Date | No information is available |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Monal Agrawal |
Producer | |
Writer | |
Budget | $ 479,000 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 497,845 |
Country | India |
Production Companyies | No production companies available. |
Kabuliwala Movie Genre | Drama, Family |
When 8-year-old Arjun expresses his wish to switch from daily car rides with his grandfather, Mr. Chaturvedi, to taking the school bus with his friends, it triggers an internal crisis for Mr. Chaturvedi. Feeling unwanted and lonely, he grapples with the realization that his once cherished time with Arjun is slipping away, leaving him to confront the painful shift in their relationship.
Kabuliwala movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Gautam Mathur, Samar Agrawal, Raushan and it was directed by Monal Agrawal and produce by it has a rating of 0 / 10 with total votes count to 0 and it is a Hit movie.
Kabuliwala was co - produce by the studio No production companies available. and produce by , with a budget of $ 479,000 and a total collection of $ 497,845 and it is a Hit movie.
Kabuliwala has a budget of $ 479,000 and a total collection of $ 497,845 and it was co - produce by the studio No production companies available. conclusion
, In the conclusion of *Kabuliwala*, the protagonist, a migrant from Kabul, reunites with the little girl he once cherished, after years of separation. He returns to his homeland, reflecting on the deep bond they shared. The film ends on a bittersweet note, highlighting themes of love, longing, and the passage of time.Who is the director of the Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala was directrd by Monal Agrawal.
Who is the producer of the Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala was directrd by .
What is the genre of the Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala falls into the genre of Drama, Family .
What is the release date of the Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala was released on 2023-12-14.
What is the running time or duration of the Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala has a running time of 14 minutes.
Who wrote Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala is written by
What is the budget of the Kabuliwala movie?
Kabuliwala is made with the budget of $ 479,000.
Kabuliwala Hit or Flop?
Kabuliwala was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 497,845.