Mandal Aabhari Aahe moviezwap

Mandal Aabhari Aahe moviezwap 2025-01-11


Mandal Aabhari Aahe moviezwap

The genre of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie is . The movie was directed by Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak.

The movie was produce by Not Available, with the collaboration of the studio No production companies available.

Mandal Aabhari Aahe was released on 2025-01-11 and the total runtime of the movie is going to be 115 minutes and the status of the release is yet to release.

Mandal Aabhari Aahe cast name with photos

Mandal Aabhari Aahe overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Mandal Aabhari Aahe
Offical Language Marathi
Release Date 2025-01-11
Release Status yet to release
OTT Platform Not available on OTT right now.
OTT Release Date No information available on OTT Release date.
Hit or Flop Yet to Release
Director Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak
Producer Not Available,
Writer Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak,
Budget $ 0
Collection / Revenue $ 0
Country No production country available.
Production Companyies No production companies available.
Mandal Aabhari Aahe Movie Genre

Mandal Aabhari Aahe Story or Plot

*Mandal Aabhari Aahe* is a Marathi-language film set to release on January 11, 2025. Directed by Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak, the film has a runtime of 1 hour and 55 minutes. While specific details about the plot and cast are limited, the film is categorized under the genre *God\'s Bleeding Women*. It delves into powerful themes, and viewers can stay updated on its release through official entertainment sources and streaming platforms.

Mandal Aabhari Aahe Screenshots and Images

Mandal Aabhari Aahe

Mandal Aabhari Aahe Rating

Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie with the cast that he has like the name of and it was directed by Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 0 / 10 with total votes count to 0 and it is a Yet to Release movie.

Mandal Aabhari Aahe Review

Mandal Aabhari Aahe was co - produce by the studio No production companies available. and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 0 and a total collection of $ 0 and it is a Yet to Release movie.

Mandal Aabhari Aahe Budget

Mandal Aabhari Aahe has a budget of $ 0 and a total collection of $ 0 and it was co - produce by the studio No production companies available. conclusion, Mandal Aabhari Aaheis a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.


Who is the director of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe was directrd by Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak.

Who is the producer of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe was directrd by Not Available, .

What is the genre of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe falls into the genre of .

What is the release date of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe was released on 2025-01-11.

What is the running time or duration of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe has a running time of 115 minutes.

Who wrote Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe is written by Vidyasagar Vilas Adhyapak,

What is the budget of the Mandal Aabhari Aahe movie?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe is made with the budget of $ 0.

Mandal Aabhari Aahe Hit or Flop?

Mandal Aabhari Aahe was a Yet to Release with a collection / revenue of $ 0.