Tatva moviezwap

Tatva moviezwap 2024-10-10

BUDGET - $450,000

Tatva moviezwap

The genre of the Tatva movie is . The movie was directed by .

The movie was produce by with the collaboration of the studio No production companies available.

Tatva was released on 2024-10-10 and the total runtime of the movie is going to be 58 minutes and the status of the release is Released.

Tatva cast name with photos

Tatva overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Tatva
Offical Language Telugu
Release Date 2024-10-10
Release Status Released
OTT Platform ETV Win
OTT Release Date Available
Hit or Flop Hit
Budget $ 450,000
Collection / Revenue $ 541,451
Country No production country available.
Production Companyies No production companies available.
Tatva Movie Genre

Tatva Story or Plot

A cash-strapped taxi driver finds himself at a moral crossroads when he\'s faced with a tempting opportunity that could provide financial relief. Struggling between preserving his integrity and giving in to the temptation for survival, he must navigate the difficult decision, which challenges his values and the future he envisions for himself.

Tatva Screenshots and Images


Tatva Rating

Tatva movie with the cast that he has like the name of and it was directed by and produce by it has a rating of 0 / 10 with total votes count to 0 and it is a Hit movie.

Tatva Review

Tatva was co - produce by the studio No production companies available. and produce by , with a budget of $ 450,000 and a total collection of $ 541,451 and it is a Hit movie.

Tatva Budget

Tatva has a budget of $ 450,000 and a total collection of $ 541,451 and it was co - produce by the studio No production companies available.

Moviezwap2025.in conclusion, In the conclusion of *Tatva*, the protagonist discovers a deeper understanding of life and the balance between material and spiritual existence. They confront inner conflicts and external challenges, ultimately finding peace through self-realization and personal growth. The film ends with a message of harmony and the pursuit of truth.


Who is the director of the Tatva movie?

Tatva was directrd by .

Who is the producer of the Tatva movie?

Tatva was directrd by .

What is the genre of the Tatva movie?

Tatva falls into the genre of .

What is the release date of the Tatva movie?

Tatva was released on 2024-10-10.

What is the running time or duration of the Tatva movie?

Tatva has a running time of 58 minutes.

Who wrote Tatva movie?

Tatva is written by

What is the budget of the Tatva movie?

Tatva is made with the budget of $ 450,000.

Tatva Hit or Flop?

Tatva was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 541,451.